
Compliance Methods - Dwellings & Non-Dwellings



The Introduction to Section 6 sets out the methods that can be used for demonstrating Section 6 compliance for dwellings:
 “For buildings in purpose group 1, there are 3 alternative methods for showing compliance with this Part, the Elemental Method, the Target U-value Method and the Carbon Index Method. The different methods allow some design flexibility, for example, the benefits of solar heat gain or a more efficient heating system may be taken into account.”
Compliance methods for Section 6 (dwellings)
In addition, Section 6 lays down requirements for dwellings covering:
Poorest acceptable U-values
Limiting thermal bridging at junctions and around openings
Limiting infiltration
Space heating and hot water service system controls
Insulation of pipes, ducts and vessels
Commissioning of heating and hot water service systems
Buildings other than dwellings
The requirements of Section 6 for buildings other than dwellings are as follows (Section 6 Introduction):
 “6. Buildings other than buildings in purpose group 1 also require to conform to any one of 3 methods: the Elemental Method, the Heat Loss Method and the Carbon Emissions Calculation Method.
7. In addition to requirements for insulation of the fabric there are requirements for building services, including in the case of non-domestic buildings, requirements for artificial lighting, air conditioning and mechanical ventilation.”


Paragraph J8.7 states that in the Carbon Emissions Calculation Method, the standards for building services systems (sections J11, J12 & J13) may be ignored
Methods and Requirements
The compliance routes available in Section 6 can conveniently be set out in terms of Methods and Requirements. For example, three methods are available for demonstrating compliance for non-dwellings: the Elemental and Heat Loss Methods (including services system requirements) and the Carbon Emissions Calculation Method. Within each method a number of requirements are laid down. In some cases compliance with a requirement may be demonstrated by more than one method. Each method specifies certain requirements, which in turn may be complied with by various methods, and so on.
Methods and Requirements for Dwellings
For dwellings there are three methods for demonstrating compliance with the requirements on fabric and heating system performance: the Elemental Method, the Target U-value Method and the Carbon Index Method. There are also additional requirements relating to infiltration, controls, hot water systems and commissioning. The IES software places these additional requirements under the headings of the three main compliance routes.
The compliance routes for dwellings can be summarised as follows. The numbering system used here is that used in the IES <Virtual Environment> implementation. Paragraph numbers refer to the Technical Standards document[1]
Elemental Method
Elemental Method (paragraphs J3.2–J3.3 & J3.13-J6.6)
1. U-value (Table 1 to J3.2) Requirement (paragraph J3.2)
2. Glazing & Door Area Requirement (paragraph J3.3)
3. Additional Requirements (paragraphs J3.13-J6.6)
Target U-value Method
Target U-value Method (paragraphs J3.4-J3.10 & J3.12-J6.6)
1. Mean U-value Requirement (paragraphs J3.4-J3.10)
2. Maximum U-value (Table to J3.12) Requirement (paragraph J3.12)
3. Additional Requirements (paragraphs J3.13-J6.6)
Carbon Index Method
Carbon Index Method (paragraphs J3.11 & J3.12-J6.6)
1. Carbon Index Requirement (paragraph 1.27)
2. Maximum U-value (Table 3) Requirement (paragraph J3.12)
3. Additional Requirements (paragraphs J3.13-J6.6)
The <Virtual Environment> implementation includes analysis of all these requirements and methods with the exception of the Additional Requirements of the Target U-value and carbon Index Methods:
Thermal Bridging and Air Infiltration Requirements (cannot be analysed in software)
Space Heating & HWS Controls Requirements (cannot be analysed in software)
Insulation of Pipes, Ducts & Vessels Requirements (cannot be analysed in software)
HWS Commissioning Requirement (cannot be analysed in software)
Methods and Requirements for Non-Dwellings
For non-dwellings the three methods for demonstrating compliance with the requirements on fabric and heating system performance are: the Elemental Method, the Whole-building Method and the Carbon Emissions Calculation Method. There are also additional requirements relating to such issues as infiltration, controls, hot water systems and lighting. The IES software places these additional requirements under the headings of the three main compliance routes.