
Common drawing issues


Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 1 – Simple Cube]:

More often than not the cause of this is the surfaces that make up your building or room have not bounded the space. Let’s explain this using the simplest of room shapes – the cube. Let’s approach the drawing in two ways and *forget* to completely enclose the cube:
Step 1: Draw a rectangle
Step 2: Use Push/Pull to create a cube
Step 3: Identify Rooms: SUCCESS!!
Diagnosis: Blue surfaces indicate zones [In the <Virtual Environment> or via Toggle VE Shading]
Step 1: Draw a rectangle
Step 2: Use Push/Pull to create walls (but delete roof)
Step 3: Identify Rooms: FAILURE!!
Diagnosis Yellow surfaces indicate shading surfaces [In the <Virtual Environment> or via Toggle VE Shading]

Not all of my zones/buildings have been identified [Part 2 – Google Warehouse models]:

Again more often than not the cause of this is the surfaces that make up your building or room have not bounded the space. Let’s explain this time by using some Google Warehouse models and then using the <Virtual Environment> to diagnose the problem.
Step 1: Open Google Warehouse model
Step 2: Identify Rooms: Partial Success!!
Step 3: Open VE or select or via Toogle VE Shading, blue is a zone yellow a shading device
Diagnosis: Spin the model and look at the base – there is no face here bounding the building
NOTE: if all you need to model is the lower building and the tall building is only required for shading than this approach is correct!!
No rooms in model: If a user only creates non-bounded rooms it is possible that no rooms will be created, the user will see the message and advice below: