
Colours & Layers

ModelIT uses colours for highlighting, indicating inactive layers, displaying DXF elements and distinguishing one layer from another. The Colour box displays the active object colour and colour number. Any new object placed will be assigned this object colour.
Note that you can choose to display objects in the model either by their object colour or by their layer colour, by selecting Colour from the View pull-down menu. The default is to display objects by their layer colour.
(“Settings” Þ “Layer” or the layer properties button on the model toolbar)
This option allows parts of the model to be made inactive.  When parts of the model are made inactive (switched OFF) they will not be included in the thermal simulations.  Switching parts of the model OFF will reduce simulation time and will also enable efficient checking and trouble-shooting of models. 
For thermal spaces in the model on layers that are turned OFF the icons will be grey in the Model Browser tree. The geometry for these spaces will be grey and no longer selectable within the model view.  These spaces will not be present in the Model Viewer, however, any color and texture used to indicate the type of construction on an interior surface—i.e., one that is adjacent to a space that is on an inactive layer—will remain unchanged.
Solar gain will not be present either on or within any space that is on an inactive layer. Solar gain will not be present on ceilings, floors, walls, fenestration, etc. that form an adjacency to a space that is on an inactive layer.  As long as the geometry for the spaces that remain active has not changed, SunCast calculations for Apache do not need to be re-run.  The physical properties of constructions for walls, floors, ceilings, etc., shared by active and inactive spaces will be unchanged.
For more information on the part of the model that has been rendered inactive refer to ApacheSim Calculation Methods section 3.5 Boundary Conditions.