
Changing Opening Type using the browser

When the Monodraught HVR® grouping scheme is active, you can also use the browser’s right-click context menu to change the type of an opening. If you right-click on a wall-based external window or door item in the browser (note that you don’t have to left-click it first to select it), an additional HVR® Opening Type sub-menu will be displayed – this offers the same options as the hotspot drop-menu on the view for the opening:
As before, the current type of the opening is indicated in bold – you can select one of the other options to set the opening to function as that type. Note that if External Door/External Window is selected, the opening will no longer be associated with the HVR unit(s) in the room and its previous MacroFlo opening type (and construction, in the case of doors) will be restored.
The HVR® Opening Type sub-menu will not be displayed if you have right-clicked on an item that is not an external door/window, or if you have right-clicked on an external door/window in a room that is not assigned to an HVR unit group.