
Auxiliary energy

Auxiliary energy is energy consumed by fans, pumps and controls (excluding heat rejection).
Auxiliary energy method
In VE Compliance the method used to calculate auxiliary energy is set automatically by the selection of system type (‘UK NCM type’) in the UK NCM wizard.
Air supply mechanism (only available if Cooling/vent. Mechanism under Cooling System is other than ‘Natural ventilation’)
This parameter is only required for UK regulations compliance and certification. Select the appropriate mechanism from the given options covering centralised, zonal and local systems.
System specific fan power
The specific fan power (SFP) for the system. This is the power consumption of the system fans for each l/s of air supplied to the rooms by the system, including by means of auxiliary ventilation. For mechanically ventilated systems, the SFP contribution to auxiliary energy may be accounted for either at system level, using this parameter, or at room level, using the SFPs defined in Space Data.
Fans procedure
This field displays the procedure that will be used to calculate the fans component of auxiliary energy. It is set as a function of other settings on the dialog, as specified in the NCM Modelling Guide.
Pumping requirements
This field displays the procedure that will be used to calculate the pumps component of auxiliary energy. It is set as a function of other settings on the dialog, as detailed in Para 88, Tables 10 and 11 of the 2010 NCM Modelling Guide.
Pump type
Select  a pump type from the options presented.
Pump power density
This field is set as a function of the Pump type.
Auxiliary Energy Fan Fraction
This allows the meters feature to split out the results and report aux energy from pumps and fans separately.
Option to specify the Electricity Meter to report system Auxiliary Energy against.
Note: Currently (VE 2018) the ability to report system Auxiliary Energy on custom meters and using Fan Fraction is not supported in VE Compliance simulations.