
Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my drop-list displaying some profiles that don’t pass my specified filtering options?
Whilst the filtering options are applied across almost all profiles, there are a few exceptions that will always be displayed regardless of filtering. For lists that use modulating profiles, the following profiles are always included:
-          On Continuously (ID: ON)
-          Off Continuously (ID: OFF)
For lists that use absolute profiles, the following profile is always included:
-          Constant 0 (ID: 0)
In addition to these profiles, the profile that is currently selected for the appropriate location is always displayed in the list, even if it doesn’t pass the active filter conditions.
Do I need to manually set categories on all my profiles in older projects?
When you open a project created in an earlier version of the VE, it will try to assign sensible default categories to the profiles by examination of their reference (name). For the vast majority of cases, this should result in a usable and sensible set of categories already being defined, ready to be used when filtering. This also applies to any profiles you have imported into your project from older versions, using the Master Templates Wizard.
However, depending on the naming convention used for profiles in your projects, you may want to tweak the assigned categories to be more suited for your own use. You can do this by editing the assigned categories using the ApPro profile database manager.
Why can’t I select NCM (UK Compliance) profiles in drop-lists anymore?
NCM profiles are no longer available for manual assignment in the VE. This limitation has been put in place because NCM profiles are automatically managed by the VE in response to changes in assigned building types and activities in the VE-Compliance module. This means that changing settings in VE-Compliance can result in NCM profiles being automatically removed from your project, while others are automatically added. As a result of this, assigning NCM profiles out-with the VE-Compliance module can result in corruption, as the profile could be silently deleted even when it is in use somewhere else in the project.
If you want to make use of an NCM profile, you should create a copy of that profile using the ApPro profile database manager. This copy is then editable and will be available in profile lists where appropriate (and subject to filtering).
Can I quickly reset ALL my profile filters back to their default settings?
The filtering options window includes the Reset To Defaults button to enable you to reset that particular filter to its default state – however, this cannot be used to reset all filters. The easiest way to reset all filters to their defaults quickly is to use the Repair Installation… item in the Help menu – as part of the repair, all filters will be reset to their defaults, and both profile filtering and profile preview graphing will be switched on.
IMPORTANT: This will reset the VE back to its default state, so should only be used as a last resort.