Additional controls shall meet the following requirements:
Display/Accent lighting - Display or accent lighting shall have a separate control device.
Case Lighting - Lighting in cases used for display purposes shall have a separate control device.
Guest-room lighting - Guest rooms in hotels, motels, boarding houses or similar buildings shall have one or more control devices at the entry door that collectively control all permanently installed luminaires and switched receptacles except those in the bathrooms. Suite shall have control meeting these requirements at the entry to each room or at the primary entry to the suite. Bathrooms shall have a control device installed to automatically turn off the bathroom lighting except for a night lighting not exceeding five watts within 60 minutes of the occupant leaving the space.
Task lighting - Supplemental task lighting including permanently installed undershelf or undercabinet lighting shall have a control device integral to the luminaires or be controlled by a wall mounted control device provided the control device is readily accessible and located so that the occupant can see the controlled lighting.
Nonvisual lighting - Lighting for nonvisual applications such as plant growth and food warming shall have a separate control device.
Demonstration lighting - lighting equipment that is for sale or for demonstrations in lighting education shall have a separate control device.
Stairwell lighting - Lighting in stairwells shall have one or more control devices to automatically reduce lighting power in any one controlled zone by at least 50% within 30 minutes of all of the occupants leaving that controlled zone.
These requirements can be broken down into two groups:
· Those that require automatic switching
· Those that require separate manual switching
Automatic Switching
This covers the following types
· Guest Bathrooms (60 minutes)
· Stairwell (30 minutes)
These are automatically assigned to the baseline model by the VE.
Separate Manual Switching
The following lighting types need to be controlled separately (manually switched):
1. Display/Accent Lighting
2. Case Lighting
3. Task Lighting
4. Non-Visual Lighting
5. Demonstration Lighting
If these lighting types are contained in the proposed model they also need to be manually included in the baseline model and the following steps should be followed by the user:
a. Once the baseline model has been generated, enter the profiles database (make sure the VE is in ‘Baseline’ view).
b. Create the necessary profiles to represent the additional manually switched lighting types as described above.
c. Create the necessary lighting gains and assign the profiles.