
Additional Lighting Controls 2013

90.1 2010 Section States:
Additional controls shall meet the following requirements:
These requirements can be broken down into two groups:
·     Those that require automatic switching
·     Those that require separate manual switching
Automatic Switching
This covers the following types
·     Guest Bathrooms (60 minutes)
·     Stairwell (30 minutes)
These are automatically assigned to the baseline model by the VE.
Separate Manual Switching
The following lighting types need to be controlled separately (manually switched):
1. Display/Accent Lighting
2. Case Lighting
3. Task Lighting
4. Non-Visual Lighting
5. Demonstration Lighting
If these lighting types are contained in the proposed model they also need to be manually included in the baseline model and the following steps should be followed by the user:
a.     Once the baseline model has been generated, enter the profiles database (make sure the VE is in ‘Baseline’ view).
b.     Create the necessary profiles to represent the additional manually switched lighting types as described above.
c.     Create the necessary lighting gains and assign the profiles.
d.     Assign to the relevant baseline zones.