
8.2.3 Menu Item: Building > Add Staircase

This command allows the user to add a new staircase to the current building.
You will need to specify the name that you wish to act as a title for this new staircase. Then, you will be asked to specify the length and width of the staircase.
The measured stair length follows a line which runs along the longitudinal centre of the treads of each flight, and through the centre of any intermediate landings. The length represents the ‘mean’ travel length for occupants walking up or down the staircase. Therefore, total staircase length consists of the sum of the ‘flight’ lengths and ‘landing’ lengths. The ‘flight’ length is measured in the same plane as the rake of the stairs, centrally between any handrails. The mean (horizontal) length of the landing(s) is added to this total length.
The best way to envisage the measured stair length is to follow a line that a person would take when walking from top to bottom of the staircase, maintaining a perfect central position between handrails and walls all the way down.
When a staircase has been added, a new window in which the staircase will be displayed, is created, and will appear as an icon in the main window.
Important note: when you double click into a staircase window with the mouse, a dialogue box will appear which allows you to add additional perimeter space around the outside of the staircase. This perimeter space should be a minimum of 0.5 metres in all directions.