
8.2.10 Menu Item: Building > Delete Exit

A ‘current’ exit is selected by clicking onto it with the left mouse button. This command deletes the currently selected exit from the window in which it appears.
Menu: DistMap
This menu enables the creation and manipulation of ‘distance maps’, which are used to calculate the potential escape routes for occupants travelling through a building. The use of different distance maps enables the use of different possible escape routes by different occupants throughout the building.
A ‘distance map’ consists of a mesh of 0.2 by 0.2m spatial blocks, which is used to represent a ‘low-resolution’ form of the total building space. The numerical value assigned to each block is equal to the total travel distance to an exit from that block. Simulex is able to calculate a distance map when at least one exit has been defined for a building.
When the distance map has been calculated, you can view it as a series of coloured contours where each contour represents an increment of 1 metre distance-to-exit. Up to 10 distance maps can be created, and you can specify different final exits to be used for different maps.
Note: you should position all exits in the correct place before creating a distance map. Then during the setup stage, you can specify which exits are to be used by which distance maps. Generally, the first map to create should be called the ‘default distance map’ and should use all exits.
Menu Items: Setup, Calculate, Display