
7.2 Multiple Distance Maps (different routes-to-exit)

If only one (default) distance map is used then the occupants will always move towards the nearest exit. In certain situations, then a more realistic scenario may be desired - where some people may ignore the nearest emergency exit and instead leave the building by the same route that they came in. In order that you can be given some control over the routes that the occupants take, then Simulex allows you to create up to 10 different (route) distance maps in memory. The normal way of using this facility is to first define a ‘default’ distance map which uses all the exits, and then create other distance maps afterwards, with each distance map using only a selection of the exits that the default distance map uses. Later, when specifying occupant characteristics you can specify which distance map a person will use.
As a general guide, the following steps should be taken:
1.       Define all the exits and links which are going to be used in a simulation.
2.       Choose Setup... in the DistMap menu. Use ‘Change’ to specify the exits to be used in a default distance map. Use the Menu Item: DistMap > Calculate to calculate the default distance map.
3.       Use the Menu Item: DistMap > Setup, and Add a new Distance Map. This time, specify the exits that you wish to be used in this new distance map. Afterwards, calculate the distance map.
4.       Step 3 can be done up to 9 times, to create different sets of escape routes throughout the building space. If you have limited memory on your PC, however, then you may find that you get an error warning which prevents you from calculating any more distance maps, after a certain number of maps have been calculated. As a guide, 1 square metre of a distance map occupies 100 bytes in memory.
Note always calculate all distance maps after changing any aspect of the building, such as exit positions, link positions, floor plans or staircases. Changing the building invalidates previously calculated distance maps, and if occupants attempt to use an invalid map, then an error will occur. When you need to check which distance maps are valid, use the Menu Item: DistMap > Display - all valid distance maps will be displayed as available, and the invalid ones will be coloured grey.