
6.6 Defining the Occupants

After the distance maps are calculated, the occupants can be added to the building. The occupants can be inserted one by one or as a group. The available commands are located under the Menu: People.
First, the characteristics of the occupants must be defined. This is done in a dialogue box accessed by the Menu Item: People > Characteristics. These characteristics are valid for all occupants defined until new characteristics are entered. In the dialogue box, the type of occupants can be defined. This will affect the size and distribution of the occupants and their maximum individual velocity. It is also possible to define which distance map the next defined occupants will follow. All maps available are displayed even if they are not calculated. Simulating a scenario with occupants following a non-calculated distance map will create a program failure.
The occupant response times are also entered in the Characteristics box. The times are defined by a mean value and the deviation from this mean. The actual times assigned to the occupants will be chosen according to one of three distributions, uniform, triangular or normal distribution, specified by the user. If for example the response times are going to be randomly chosen in the interval 90 to 100 seconds, the mean is 95 seconds and the deviation is 5 seconds and the distribution shall be ‘random’. The response times are assigned in the same way for both a group and a single person.
Figure 7: Characteristics Dialogue Box
Figure 8: Defining a group of people
Characteristics which are defined in the Person Characteristics dialogue box will apply to all newly added people, until the characteristics are changed again.
A single person is defined by choosing the Menu Item: People > Single Person and is positioned on the floors by a click with the left mouse button. The occupants can only be located on areas covered by a distance map. Otherwise an error message will appear.
A group of occupants are defined in the same by choosing Menu Item: People > Group People. By clicking with the left mouse button, point by point, a polygonal area will be defined. Click in that area with the right mouse button and the dialogue box Area Properties will appear. It is now possible to add the number of occupants or to define an occupant density for that area. You can turn off the addition of new people, just by clicking onto the same menu item a second time.