
5 Exhaust Air Energy Recovery

Energy recovery ventilation systems as detailed in section C403.2.6 are mandatory. They apply based on climate zone, percent outdoor and airflow rates greater than a certain value as per Table C403.2.6
The energy recovery system shall have a recovery effectiveness of at least 50%. The energy recovery system does not negate the requirement for an outdoor air economizer when an economizer is required for the standard reference building system. Furthermore, the baseline building system must permit air to bypass the energy recovery system during economizer operation. There are exceptions to the heat recovery requirements for specific climates, see Exceptions in C403.2.6.
In ApacheHVAC, all applicable IECC standard reference systems include the option for airside energy recovery but it is disabled by default. To engage the pre-defined energy recovery, check the “Energy recovery preconditioning of outside air” box on the System Parameters tab of the System Parameters dialog.
Figure 5: System Parameters tab of the System Parameters dialog with energy recovery option highlighted