
4.7.4 Infiltration

This action launches the Infiltration (Title 24) tab edit view.
Infiltration (Title 24) tab edit view
·        Modeling Method: The method to model infiltration. This field is not user editable.
·        Design Flow Rate: The quantity of air infiltrating the space in cfm/ft2.
·        Model Coefficients A (none): The constant infiltration coefficient. The coefficients are not user editable.
·        Model Coefficients B (1/°F): The infiltration coefficient with units 1/°F.
·        Model Coefficients C (hr/mile): The infiltration coefficient with units hr/mile.
·        Model Coefficients D (hr2/mile2): The infiltration coefficient with units hr2/mile2.
·        Schedule Name*: The user input schedule for infiltration modelling. (Schedules will be defaulted for compliance analysis.)