
4.7.3 Review Building Floor Data

This action launches the Title 24 Ventilation & Exhaust – Building Floor Data dialog which shows the ventilation and exhaust floor data for the selected floors in the model. It shows the design ventilation, minimum ventilation and design exhaust for each floor. It also shows:
·        Code Ventilation Multiplier: The multiplier used to adjust the proposed design ventilation air flows to be equal to the code minimum required ventilation air flow.
·        Ventilation Exhaust Balance: A multiplier used to increase the baseline ventilation air flow rate when the proposed design includes additional ventilation air to make-up for exhaust airflow.
Title 24 Ventilation & Exhaust – Building Floor Data
The Code Ventilation Multiplier is equal to 1.1 x Minimum Ventilation / Design Ventilation (but will not be greater than 1.0).