Index Door

Door Regulations
Input summary for Door properties:
·        A doors construction can be set as “Swinging” or “Non-swinging”. The default setting is “Swinging” but can be changed using the “Non-swinging” tick box
·        Status: New vs Existing (only new available in this version)
·        Certification Method: Options are DefaultPerformance or NRFCRated
·        Type:  Options are:
o   MetalInsulatedSingleLayerSectionalDoor
o   MetalInsulatedSwingingDoor
o   MetalUninsulatedDoubleLayerDoor
o   MetalUninsulatedSingleLayerDoor
o   MetalUninsulatedSingleLayerRollupDoor
o   WoodLessThan1.75inThickDoor
o   WoodGreaterThanorEqualTo1.75inThickDoor