
4.1. Sky Time/Date

This allows selection of the required Radiance sky conditions, date and time.
The following sky conditions are available:
Sky conditions may be dictated by regulations for compliance simulations. The most frequently used sky conditions are:
·       Sunny Sky: used for Glare Analysis in luminance images.
·       CIE Overcast sky: used to analyse lux levels and daylight factors in illuminance images.
A description of each sky option is available at Sky File (*.sky)
After choosing a sky type, set the time and date for the simulation.
The Save button will save the currently displayed Sky/time options. The Open button can retrieve the values for previously saved data.
By default, the sky file has an automatically generated name in the following format: Sep21_1200_cie.sky This has a 3-character mnemonic for the month, the day of the month, the time and the sky condition used. When an image is created this information is stored in the image header and displayed in the image summary information. See View Images tab.
The mnemonics used for the different sky conditions are as follows:
·       ss = sunny sky.
·       cs = clear sky
·       cie = CIE overcast sky.
·       is = intermediate sky with sun.
·       i = intermediate sky without sun.
·       u = uniform cloudy sky.
·       TenK_cie = 10K Lux CIE overcast sky
·       ssC = sunny sky with clouds
·       FifteenK_cie = 15K Lux CIE overcast sky
·       ps= Perez Sky