
3. View Images tab

In this section we can select from the list of images created by the simulations. Images are created in the Radiance .pic file format.
When an image file is selected a preview of the image is shown. The selected image’s information will be shown in a box to the right of the images list. Note that for an illuminance image using the CIE Overcast sky, the Ground Ambient value is shown which is the illuminance on an unobstructed plane (this is the 100% DF value).
There are four buttons in this tab: Re-Name, View, Browse and Delete.
The Re-Name button pops-up a window to rename the selected image file.
The View button opens the selected image. Alternatively, double-click on the image to view it. The functions available in the image viewing window are explained in Section 3.1.
The Browse button allows the selection of images from other project directories.
The Delete button pops-up a window to confirm the deletion of the selected picture. Any associated files are also deleted e.g. batch file, glare file.