Index Luminance Menu

File Menu
The first five options in the File menu are similar to the above-mentioned toolbar buttons. These options are the same as the illuminance images File menu.
Close: Closes the image
Scale X2: Increases the image to twice its original size and opens it in a new window. The new image will be added to the images list and can be opened later again.
Scale X4: Increases the image to four times its original size and opens it in a new window. The new image will be added to the images list and can be opened later again.
Glare Menu
Once glare has been analysed, this will show or hide the glare sources. These sources are displayed as a red circle with the luminance of the source at the centre.
This displays a window showing glare values. The default glare angles are -60 to +60 degrees in steps of 10 degrees (-ve angles to right of analysis point, +ve angles to left). To be able to open this, the user should click on Analyse glare first.
Values will vary depending on the selected glare type:
·       Guth Visual Comfort Probability
·       CIE Glare Index
·       Unified Glare Rating
·       BRS Glare index
·       Daylight Glare Index
·       Guth Disability Glare Rating
The most commonly used standards are CIE Glare Index and Guth Visual Comfort Probability.
The glare threshold will be displayed at the top of the table together with the resolution (number of samples) and sky file. For more information about glare threshold, refer to the analyse glare option.
The Copy button can be used to copy data to the clipboard for subsequent pasting. The Save button will save results in a text file (.txt).
Analyse Glare:
By default, glare is not automatically analysed. It can be analysed by selecting this option. The dialog below will appear.
·       Left/right angle is the maximum angle to the left and right of the image centre.
·       Step angle of view is the angle increment in both directions.
·       Resolution (sample density)
·       Threshold is the value used to assess whether a point is a source of glare. If left as zero the default threshold is derived from empirical research as 7 times the average luminance.
The status bar at the bottom of the illuminance image will show the Glare threshold.
Glare can be re-analysed by clicking on the Analyse Glare option again and entering different parameters.
The font colour for the point values on the image can be changed by selecting the desired colour from the sub-menu.
This option creates a separate image of luminance contours (.pic file)
It provides additional parameters to control the appearance of the luminance contour image:
·       Scale: Sets the maximum value to be displayed
·       Divisions: Sets the number of divisions from zero to the maximum value
·       Style: Sets the style of contour (false colour, contour lines or contour bands)
·       Palette: Provides a range of contour colour styles
·       Show the scale: Enables or disables the scale text in the image
·       Custom text: Allows the addition of custom text to the image
Clicking OK will create and open the contour image:
Daylight Glare Probability:
For information about Daylight Glare Probability, please refer to Daylight Glare Probability (DGP).
Help menu
This takes you to the online help facility.