
1.1 SunCast Features

SunCast can be used at any stage of the design process to perform shading and solar insolation studies.
SunCast is required to run solar shading calculations to generate numerical output, which can be viewed directly in SunCast, or exported as tables to include in reports, either for the whole model or a selected surface. These calculations can then be applied to simulations via the SunCast link on apache simulation options, to improve accuracy linked to solar shading.
SunCast can also generate shading images and animations quickly and easily from a model in ModelIT, or show Solar Energy or Solar Exposure across the external surfaces of the model.
SunCast can be used to investigate:
·       External obstructions, shading devices and self-shading of a building.
·       Solar mapping through windows and openings.
·       The effects of changing the orientation of the building.
SunCast generates shadows and internal solar insolation from any sun position defined by date, time, orientation, site latitude and longitude. This shading information can be stored for subsequent analysis by:
·       Viewing shadows on the model from any eye position.
·       Animating the solar analyses by generating a sequence of images and creating an *.avi movie to send to your client.
·       Making opaque surfaces transparent to permit a view of the solar insolation on internal surfaces e.g. removing roofs or surfaces to identify internal solar insolation paths.
·       Displaying surface shading/insolation statistics.
·       Output data for thermal simulation (see documentation on Apache).
SunCast can be used in a variety of studies including passive solar design and is essential at the planning stage to visualize the shading impact of the building on surrounding buildings. SunCast has also been used to study problems such as grass growth in sports stadia and right to light issues. In addition, because it is possible to remove surfaces to investigate solar penetration, SunCast can be used to investigate internal design issues from office layouts to positioning of art in museums.