
12.7.3. Other variables

Metric unit
IP unit
incident solar irradiance
Described in section 12.7.4.
The input variables, and in the case of an absolute profile the profile value, are interpreted in metric or IP units depending on the Units Type of the profile.
The room variables ta, tr, tdr, g and sol refer to the state of the current room, and the room variables ta_ and g_ to the adjacent room on the other side of a building element. If a profile formula containing a room variable is used in a context where there is no current room (e.g. an on/off controller) the variable is assigned the value 0. Note that a single profile containing room variables can be used in any number of rooms and the result of the formula evaluation will be particular to each room.
A room variable may be linked to a particular room by following its symbol with a pair of brackets containing the room index number. Please note they start from 1 so the index number will be the space number plus 1. The space number can be seen in the ModelIT Tabular Space Data facility. For example ta(12) is the air temperature in the room with space no. 11.. When this syntax is used, the room index number must be a literal integer. If you modify the geometry or reorder your room list after creating formula profiles (which reference to room index number) you may need to update the information in the formula profiles.
Note that the room air solar gain may not be used by the blind and shutter operating percentage profile groups, but the ambient variables such as global radiation on the horizontal plane and direct normal radiation may be.