Compact profiles are modulating profiles, but they can be defined more simply and quickly than creating individual daily, weekly and annual profiles. The variation throughout the hours of the day, the days of the week and the months of the year is defined in a single dialogue box. However, for compact profiles, the value of the modulating profile can only be 0 (inactive) or 1 (active), and not any value in between.
The dialogue below appears when a new compact profile is created or when a compact profile is selected for editing by means of a double click or the Edit button. It displays the properties of a compact profile and allows it to be edited.
There is one date tab by default, starting on Jan 1st and ending on Dec 31st.
Active or inactive periods for a date tab can be defined for different day groups; weekdays, weekends, and holidays. Active periods may not overlap.
The Room Design Days and System Design Days are additional day groups and can be used if required, to select the plant operational profile and design day used for heating/cooling load analysis in other IES tools such as CIBSELoads, ASHRAELoads and ApacheHVAC.
The ‘Unused’ day group can be used if required, to define different active times for any of the days in the other day groups.
The attributes of the annual profile are:
· Profile Name: A description of the profile in words.
· Categories: Allows a profile to be assigned to one or more categories (optional).
· From: Select the start time of the active period. Up to two active periods may be defined for each day group.
· To: Select the end time of the active period.
· Active?: This checkbox activates or deactivates the selected period
Buttons provide the following functions:
· Edit day groups: Allows days for the selected date tab to be moved from one day group to another by dragging the selected day. For example, Wednesday is moved into the ‘Unused’ day group, so that different active times can then be assigned to a Wednesday in that date tab:
If needed, day groups can be renamed by double-clicking then changing the group name.
adds a new date tab into the compact profile by selecting the end date of the period:
When OK is clicked, the period is automatically inserted into the correct place into the compact profile as a new date tab. The first tab always starts on Jan 1st and any subsequent tabs start on the day following the end date of the previous tab:
removes the selected date tab
· Save: closes the dialogue and saves any edits.
· Cancel: closes the dialogue and discards any edits.