10.2 Annual Probable Sunlit Hours
Sunlight studies measure access to the Sun, whereas daylight studies measure luminance and illuminance resulting from the Sun. Annual Probable Sunlit Hours (APSH) represents the sunlight that a given window may expect over a one-year period. APSH is expressed as the percentage of direct sunlight hours divided by the number of hours when the sky was clear with sun. APSH is measured on the outside face of the window.
The Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH) option is activated from the Calculations drop-down menu. The user needs to run Solar Shading for Apache first.
The results can be generated in either *.xml or *.csv format, which will automatically open in a spreadsheet, such as Excel, from where it can be copy/pasted.
This table shows every surface and opening, with unique identifiers and names, listing areas, orientation, and slope, followed by the APSH as monthly, annual, summer and winter values, followed by both annual and winter pass/fail results on the extreme right-hand columns.
Selecting the Table option, pops-up a dialog showing the APSH results for the model
view button on the toolbar is a toggle to display the APSH results on the ViewPort -
Click the button once to see the window "indices" (this can help to identify the position of each window on the model to its opening number to check corresponding results on that row)
Click again to see the "Annual" results
Click again to see the "Summer" results
Click again to see the "Winter" results
click once more to switch the display OFF on the model, but the table will remain.
The font size displayed on the model can be increased using CTRL-"+" and decreased using CTRL-"-".