

The purpose of this guidance is to outline the overall concept for the IES-Navigator.
The main objectives of the workflow Navigator(s) in IESVE Software are:
1. Manage the overall process of the appropriate methodology (E.g. loads calculations, ASHRAE 90.1-ECB, ASHRAE
90.1-PRM, NECB, IECC, etc.)
2. Provide prototypical template data to work with (E.g. Space Types, Schedules, Systems, etc.)
3. Streamline the workflow.
4. Automate the creation of the baseline/budget/reference building model when a compliance-based Navigator is
5. Automate the output documentation required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ).
While various features are available within the various IESVE Applications to aid the configuration of a buildi ng
performance model, it can be difficult to understand how these features are applied for a potential building energy
compliance-based workflow. This is certainly the case for ASHRAE 90.1 Navigators, IECC Navigators, andNECB
The IESVE navigator is a tool which brings all these features together in an intelligent workflow and presents the user
with step-by-step guidance to work through the process. The navigator works by the successful execution of specific
actions in a defined sequence and leads the user from geometry creation, right through to a full set of results presented
in a format required by the AHJ. E.g. ASHRAE Energy Cost Budget Method.
The navigator also provides the user with predefined prototypical data which can be used to populate the model with
ASHRAE baseline/budget information, if using the ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance Navigator as an example.
The [ASHRAE 90.1 / NECB / IECC] Navigator workflows are detailed under the following five headings:
1. Preliminary Data Setup
Preliminary data isrequired to define the model. This includes tasks such as building geometry creation, specifying
orientation, etc. The primary actions in this section are:
Site, Location, and Climate - Use ApLocate to define the site location and weather details.
Prototype data (E.g. ASHRAE Baseline/Budget Templates) - Import prototype data which contains ASHRAE 90.1
information and sensible defaults where ASHRAE baseline information is not applicable. It is important that the user
understands the need to organize the model so that prototype data is properly assigned.
Building Geometry - Create building geometry using standard methods while also providing a thermalzoning strategy.
Also, define the building orientation and any site or building obstruction data.
Room / Zone Grouping - Use the VE room group creator to assign rooms to pre-defined prototype room groups. The
prototype data contains many thermal templates which define thermal information for various room types e.g. offices,
meeting rooms, prayer rooms, etc. The prototype data also contains a series of ‘space type’ grouping schemes with a
naming convention that matches exactly to the thermal templates. By mapping the thermal templates and room
groups in this way the prototype data can be easily assigned to the model and later to the HVAC systems.
Solar Shading - Use SunCast to carry out a full solar analysis
When the preliminary data setup is complete, the user is then required to derive the proposed model and assign
proposed elements to the model.
2. Envelope Thermo-physical Properties
The primary actions in this section are to import & assign Envelope Thermo-physical Propertiesto the building
envelope. By performing all of the actions in this section, the constructions of the baseline/budget/reference model
building will be automatically assigned based on the geographic location of the building.
3. Space / Zone Thermal Template Data
As the model has been organized appropriately in the preliminary setup the prototype information can now be easily
assigned to each room via the ‘space types’ room groups. Initially the data that’s assigned to proposed/designmodel is
Prototypical Template Data information. The user is given the opportunity to edit this information on their
Proposed/Design model.
The primary actions in this section are to:
Auto-assign prototype templates. Note that successful execution of this action is dependent on the ‘Space/Room
Group Assignment’ action in the Preliminary Data Setup section.
Edit internal gain data (e.g. Lighting power density) for the proposed/design model.
Define Ventilation requirements. Various rules of minimum ventilation can be applied (flow/person, flow per area,
etc.) and ventilation standards can also be applied (e.g. ASHRAE 62.1, ASHRAE 170, etc.).
Define other end-uses. This can include DHW, elevators & external lighting.
4. Room / Zone Load Calculations
Mechanical designers can generate room and zone heating & cooling loads. After the calculation, loads data and airflow
rates can be exported via auto-generated reports.
5. Generate the [Baseline/Budget/Reference]Model
APACHE’s compliance rules manager will automatically generate the [baseline/budget/reference] model for
comparison against the proposed model, based on a series of standardized rules which implement the appropriate
standards (E.g. ASHRAE 90.1 - ECB with Florida Requirements) to that [baseline/budget/reference] model. For example
a 40% window-to-wall (WWR) area will be applied the ‘baseline’ if an ASHRAE 2010-PRM Navigator was selected and if
the proposed/design model was greater than 40% WWR. All [baseline/budget/reference] models have geometry,
constructions, internal gains, & HVAC rules automatically applied.
6. HVAC System Selection and Sizing
Proposed: The ApacheHVAC Application and associated wizards are used to define a proposed/design HVAC system
setup & configuration.
Baseline: The baseline HVAC can also be setup and configured by the user. However certain compliance paths (e.g.
ASHRAE 90.1-2013 ECB for Florida) requires the baseline HVAC to be locked and unedited.
There are two sets of calculations (1) Room & Zone heating & cooling loads calculations and (2) Equipment & plant
sizing calculations. These are calculated for both proposed/design models and [baseline/budget/reference] models.
7. Other Input Data
Renewable Energy Systems- The renewables dialog is used to define either PV panels, Wind generators or CHP
Set Utility Tariff Data - A utility tariff is defined in terms of $(kWh) for electricity, gas, coal and oil.
8. Simulations
When the model creation process is complete the simulations are ready to be performed. The primary actions in this
section are:
Daylight Simulation – where daylighting is applied to the proposed/design model and is mandated in the compliance
[baseline/budget/reference] model, both models will be simulated within the RadianceIES Application, tracking hourly
daylight illuminance as a precursor for the energy simulation in APACHE.
Energy Simulation – this action will perform 8,760 hourly energy simulations for both the proposed/design model and
[baseline/budget/reference] model.
9. Thermal Comfort
The primary actions in this section isto evaluate thermal comfort metrics for a user-selected number of spaces against
ASHRAE Standard 55 – Thermal Comfort of Occupants. Local comfort controls and adaptive comfort metrics may be
10. Cost
The primary actions in this section is to apply hourly cost data to the fuel usage in the model(s). Both proposed/design
and the [baseline/budget/reference] model must have identical rate structures applied. These can be simple or detailed
tariffs rate structures.
11. Results
When the energy simulations are complete,the results data is used to populate the appropriate reports, which are
presented in the appropriate formatwhich specific to the AHJ.