
Workflow Concept IECC

The main objectives of the IECC 2012 Navigator are to:
1.     Manage the overall process, including inputs, edits and cycles for modelling to the Internal Energy Conservation Code (IECC) 2012
2.     Provide industry recognized defaults and input selection options to assist the process
The 2012 IECC navigator will facilitate the IECC performance path (Chapter 4). The procedure is outlined in section C407 of the standard.
With the performance path an energy model is used to demonstrate that the proposed building (the building that is being designed) uses less energy than the standard reference building which is defined by following the prescriptive path.
In order to comply, the proposed building energy cost has to be less than or equal to 85% of the standard reference design building. While compliance is based around cost, it does make reference to local state implementation which may be based on energy rather than cost.
A range of individual software modules and features are available within the VE-Pro suite, which can be used to construct a detailed IECC model. The user needs to manually switch between modules and know at which point in the process a specific feature needs to be used. In summary, it can be difficult to understand how each module and feature fits into the overall IECC workflow analysis process.
The IECC Navigator is a tool, which brings all of the individual VE-Pro modules and features together in a single area and presents the user with step-by-step smart navigation and management of the IECC workflow and analysis process. The Navigator is driven through the successful execution of specific actions and commands, which are activated by the user in a defined sequence.
This smart navigation leads the user through the process of basic geometry creation, to constructions/thermal data assignment, and ultimately to the automatic generation of a full set of IECC compliant results.
The Navigator also provides the user with predefined prototypical data, which can be used to populate the model with default reference information. The main structure of the IECC Navigator workflow includes:
1.     Preliminary Data setup
2.     Envelope Thermo/Physical Properties
3.     Room/Zone Thermal Template Data
4.     HVAC systems
5.     Other Input Data
6.     Generate Standard Reference
7.     Sizing runs
8.     Simulations
9.     Results
The IECC Navigator functions as a series of action items that are accessed within the smart navigator tree structure that is located on the upper left side of the interface. The action items take the user to the relevant VE-Pro module and dialog box to complete the tasks associated with that action or provide advice around performing the action.