
VE interfaces

Accessing Design options
Design options tool can be accessed via the ModelIT menu shown below.
For IES internal users, alternative key-in commands (capital insensitive) can be used within the ModelIT module:
“SRW” for design options wizard
“SRR” for design options restore
Design options wizard
A note on the order of execution: the selected actions will be executed in the order of display on the grid from the top to the bottom. This order can be altered by using the Move up and Move down button.
Notes to the formula drop down window: 
Grid selection and edits on exit of the drop window will always retained on next entry of the drop window.
You need to click the ‘Create formula’ button to apply the grid changes to the formula edit box.
Should you forgot to do so before click the OK button to exit, a message box will pop up to remind you of this.
Formula will be verified on clicking the OK button and any error will be reported.
Design options restore dialog