
Using the HVR Grouping Scheme

Once you have imported one or both of the unit components from the library, a new Monodraught HVR® room grouping scheme will be created in your model and automatically selected in the room browser pane (if the pane is not visible at the bottom left of the VE window, you can display it using the  button on the application toolbar, or by selecting Browser from the File->View menu).
The HVR grouping scheme is the mechanism used to assign an HVR unit to a room in the model. The scheme contains one or more unit groups representing each unit type you have in your model – this will initially be the unit(s) you imported using the previous navigator action. There is also a final unit group called No HVR Assigned – if a room is not being served by an HVR unit, it is contained in this group (initially, all rooms in the model will be in this group).