
Transpired Solar Collector

This tab is only displayed for the SBEM method, and is detailed in the user guides covering that method.
Editing Space Data for a Set of Rooms
To edit Space Data for a set of rooms, first select the rooms by clicking in the model workspace or model browser. The rooms you have selected are known as the selection set.
Next click on ‘Edit group attributes’ on the edit toolbar.
You can now edit the Space Data parameters for all the selected rooms simultaneously. To edit a parameter, first click on the appropriate check box on the left of the dialog, then enter a value. This value will be applied to all the selected rooms, overriding their Room Thermal Template values.
Note that the data displayed in grey for boxes that are un-ticked is default data and does not necessarily correspond to the data for any of the selected rooms.
Assigning a Room Thermal Template to a Set of Rooms
Room Thermal Templates are created and edited in the Template Manager (accessed from the Templates menu on the VE toolbar). A Room Thermal Template contains a complete set of Space Data that can be applied to a room or a set of rooms in a single operation.
To assign a Room Thermal Template to a set of rooms, first select the rooms by clicking in the model workspace or model browser.
Next, click on ‘Assign Room Thermal Template to selection set’ on the edit toolbar
 Select a Room Thermal Template from the list-box and click on OK. This will assign the Room Thermal Template to the selection set.
Note that if you edit the Room Thermal Template data in the Template Manager, your edits will immediately and automatically be applied to any rooms that use that template, without you having to reassign the template.