
Tools Menu

The first seventeen options on the list in the “Tools” drop down menu are commands common to all modules. The options after these are module specific and will change to suit the current application that you are using.
Building Template Manager
This option opens the Building Template Manager which controls templates to be assigned to the model.
Please refer to the Building Template Manager user guide for a detailed overview on this section.
This button activates the APlocate module which allows you to edit data related to the site location of the model.  Within APlocate we can:
·       Set the site location detail
·       Define design weather conditions for sizing calculations
·       Select an hourly weather file for dynamic simulations
·       Define holidays for scheduling profiles
Site location
Simulation Calendar
For more information please refer to the APlocate User Guide.
This opens the VEScripts editor dialog where you can view and edit Python scripts to access VE API. Refer to API documentation for guidance.
Manage scripts
The script manager allows importing VE Script packages for access in VEScript editor and via Scripts Navigator.
Content Manager
The Content Manager can be opened to see reports previously generated and saved within the current project.
Task Manager
The Task Manager can be opened to access the Parallel Simulation Tasks that have recently completed or are still in progres.
Project Notepad
Open Project Notepad to view any Notifications saved within the current project.
Space Group Creator
The Room Group Creator allows the automated rules based creation of room groups using expressions and the results from an analysis.  For example, this allows you to automatically group all rooms with overheating during summertime.
A new feature of this tool is that is allows room groups to be created and sorted using strings that you define.  Previously rooms had to be manually selected in the model browser and dropped into the appropriate room group.  Now using this tool, after the initial set up, rooms can be moved into the appropriate group by the click of a button. 
For more information on how to use this tool please refer to the ShowMe user guide.
This allows you to select a time interval for the automatic saving of changes to the active project. The default is “never”, but novice users should perhaps consider if there is any advantage in having this set to update their project at one of the other time intervals.
Colour Table
This allows you to adjust the default colour palette to their preference.  By default each project will have the following colours set up.
To change any colour one can either select the colour and click the Change Colour button or more simply just double-click on any of the colours to bring up the standard windows colour dialog:
Using this we can quickly define a whole custom set of colours for our project.
Master Templates
The Master Templates tool allows you to import and merge VE model data from a source master template into a target project.  The master template can be exported from existing projects, allowing you to re-use previously created data sets (profiles, templates, constructions).
For more information, please refer to the Master Templates user manual .
Design Options
The Design Options tool allows users to rapidly define and apply high-level changes to their model. It provides a powerful filtering facility which allows users to easily apply changes to specific parts of their model.
For more information, please refer to the Design Options section of this Help Site by searching in the keywords area.
Access the Sync Tool via the VECloud menu in order to sync the current VE project to a Scan or Ergon project for easy sharing of free form profile and apm data.
Open the VE User Preferences dialog where it is possible to save settings elating to General options, Model Viewer, project Units, Simulation settings, Inner Volumes and Shell Import options.