

Model Toolbar
This toolbar appears at the top of the view. All of the buttons have equivalent menu options.
            Save – see File à Save Project
            Undo – see Edit à Undo
           Redo – see Edit à Redo
           Locks – see Settings à Locks
           Select - Allows you to use the mouse to select a space (at model level), a surface (at body level in surface mode) or an opening (at surface level).
           Custom attributes – see Edit à Selection Set à Custom Attributes
            Assign Template – see Edit à Selection Set à Assign Template
 Assign surface types – see Edit à Assign surface types
           Query model – see Edit à Query model
           Add working plane – see Edit à Add working plane
           Delete working plane – see Edit à Delete working plane
           Add task area – see Edit à Add task area
           Delete task area – see Edit à Delete task area
           Design – see Edit à Design
            Analysis – see Edit à Analysis
           Clear analysis results – see Edit à Clear analysis results
          Toggle viewing of luminaires – see View à Luminaires
           Toggle viewing of luminaire numbers – see View à Luminaire numbers
            Toggle viewing of luminaire photometric webs – see View à Luminaire photometric webs
           Illuminance – see View à Illuminance
            Luminance – see View à Luminance
           No lighting – see View à No lighting
           Artificial lighting – see View à Artificial lighting
            Day lighting – see View à Day lighting
           Daylight factor – see View à Daylight factor
            Combined lighting – see View à Combined lighting
            Sky view – see View à Sky view
           Contour levels – see View à Contour levels
            Filled contour levels – see View à Filled contour levels
            Grey shading – see View à Grey shading
           Filled threshold contour – see View à Filled threshold contour
            Numeric grid point values – see View à Numeric grid point values
           Threshold table – see View à Threshold table
            Include 0 – see View à Include 0
           Select colour set – see View à Select colour set
            Copy Bitmap – see File à Copy Bitmap
            Save Bitmap – see File à Save Bitmap
            Results – see View à Results
            Save results – see View à Save results
           Refresh – see View à Refresh
            Help – see Help à Help Topics
View Toolbar
This toolbar appears at the bottom of the view. All the buttons and controls are the same as in ModelIT. Note that there are two modes at body level, Surface and Illumination.