
Thermal Comfort (ASHRAE 55) - Room BTM Options  90.1 2016

The ASHRAE 55 assessment allows users to assess ASHRAE 55 2013 and 2017 methods.
ASHRAE 55 parameters are set at a room level allowing MET, CLO, air speed and short wave radiation (2017 only) parameters to be set for each space.
Three methods for defining CLO over time are provided:
·     Min & max; the comfort analysis will calculate comfort twice at each step using the entered CLO values and use the CLO value that produces the most comfortable result i.e. it automatically mimics users making reasonable adjustments to their clothing;
·     MOD profile using min & max; the comfort analysis will utilise either of the entered min & max CLO values based on the specified MOD profile;
·     ABS profile; the comfort analysis will utilise the CLO value from the specified ABS profile.
There is also an option to specify the sensible heat gain and power consumption of in-room air circulation fans; the fan gains are not subsequently displayed on the gains tab.
The method is selected and applied using the comfort analysis feature on the VistaPro toolbar; once applied the appropriate post-processed variables are then shown in the VistaPro variables picker.