
Thermal Analysis Programs

Thermal analysis program buttons
Three types of thermal analysis may be carried out in the Apache view:
CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc)
ApacheSim (Dynamic Simulation)
ASHRAE Loads replaces CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc) when the Loads Methodology option in the Settings menu is set to ASHRAE. Batch simulation allows a number of ApacheSim dynamic simulations to be performed one after the next.
CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc)
CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc) carries out heat loss and heat gain calculations in accordance with procedures laid down by CIBSE. 
Results from CIBSE Loads are viewed in the program Vista.
Please refer to the CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc) User Guide and the Vista User Guide for further information.
ASHRAE Loads carries out heat loss and heat gain calculations in accordance with the ASHRAE Heat Balance Method. 
Results from ASHRAE Loads are viewed in Vista.
Please refer to the ASHRAE Loads User Guide and the Vista User Guide for further information.
ApacheSim (Dynamic Simulation)
ApacheSim performs simulations of building thermal performance based on dynamic thermal analysis.
ApacheSim also offers options for performing simulations integrated with the system simulation program ApacheHVAC and the bulk air flow simulation program MacroFlo.
Results from ApacheSim are viewed in the program Vista
Batch Simulation
Batch simulation allows a number of ApacheSim dynamic simulations to be performed one after the next. These batches are performed upon separately saved building models. The name of the results file and the simulation settings used for the batch simulation are created by entering data in the ApacheSim dialog for each project and by then saving the simulation settings.
All of the batch simulation results are held in the Vista sub directory of the relevant project and can be viewed in Vista.
Please note that the Batch Simulation Tool has been replaced with Parallel Simulation Manager.