
System Parameter Links

Each parameter in the dialogs is either coupled directly to one or more components or controllers or is used in a calculation within the dialog—i.e., to derive a value for a component or controller. The coupling is provided by unique system parameter links that are set with the individual component and controller edit dialogs.
Selecting a particular link within a component or controller determines which values will be assigned to it from the System Parameters dialog. Changing the link or clicking ‘Re-apply’ immediately refreshes the linked values.
The list of available links is context-specific, with its content determined by the component or controller type and, in the case of controllers, by the ‘Controlled variable’ selection in the controller dialog.
In the System Parameters dialog, parameters are grayed out and disabled when the required link or links are not present within the system frame. Hovering over any parameter that is disabled for this reason provides a ToolTip listing the required links and type of component or controller that they apply to. If a parameter is disabled and there is no such ToolTip, this is because the parameter must be enabled by other means (a checkbox in the dialog, a particular system configuration, or another parameter upon which it depends).
For all prototype systems from the HVAC library, these links are pre-set; however, they can be changed if needed and can be set as desired when adding a new component or control. It is acceptable to completely revise any pre-defined managed system to set up a fully custom system using the links as desired; however, it is recommended that you start with existing prototype system of similar configuration both as an illustrative example and to minimize the additional time and effort required to build the system from scratch.
To facilitate use of the System Parameters dialog for editing of component-level values for an HVAC network, HVAC zone components and all other associated zone-level components and controllers within a managed system must be contained in a multiplex, as shown above.
Overriding linked values
Data can still be directly edited at component level via individual component and controller dialogs, overriding settings passed down from the associated system parameters dialog. This may be necessary for departures from system prototypes or to edit parameters not included/editable within the System Parameters dialog. Direct component-level edits to any parameters that are editable in the System Parameters dialog will be overwritten by subsequent ‘Assign’ operations in System Parameters dialog.
Setting the system parameter link  to ‘None <Select>’ will preserve any user edits of this nature, preventing them from being overwritten. Selecting any system parameter link or retaining the default link and clicking the ‘Re-apply’ button will override component-level edits.
System Parameter Links – Complete listing
Where links are active, clicking ‘Re-apply’ will refresh the linked values within the component or controller dialog, turning them green to indicate that they have been passed down from the System Parameters dialog. A small fraction of the available links, such as those for Room/Zone components, will not be coupled to any data until associated features and capabilities are added in a subsequent release. Until then, they function only as an informative label for the component or controller. Additional links will be added over time, as part of the evolution of the complete System Parameters interface.
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Supply fan
Filter pressure & change
Outside air min + econ
Supply fan – TSP addition
Outside air no min econ
Return/Relief  fan
Outside air fixed min  
Exhaust fan
Outside air variable min
FCU fan
Energy recovery bypass
FPB fan
Heat-pipe/RR/whl bypass
Package terminal unit fan
Zone mixing box damper
Unit heater fan
Duct heat gain/loss
Heating coils
Cooling coils
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
SA duct heat loss/gain
AHU pre-heat coil
AHU cooling coil
RA duct heat loss/gain
AHU heating coil
FCU/act-beam cool coil
Zone reheat coil
PTAC/PTHP cooling coil
FCU/act-beam heat coil
UCS cooling coil
PTAC/PTHP heating coil
Elec heat coil 2nd stage
Heat/enthalpy exchangers
Moisture addition/evaporative cooling
Thermal battery
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Energy recovery HX/wheel
Steam humidifier
DOAS/AHU cooling device
Zone cooling device
Room or Zone component
Room or Zone without air supply
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Occupied zone (default)
Occupied zone (default)
Thermally stratified zone
Heated/cooled slab zone
SA/UFAD plenum
Return Air (RA) plenum
Adjacent room w EA fan
Flow Rate
Dry-bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Cooling airflow VAV/CAV
OA econ target & DBT limit
Indirect-evap cooling
Heating airflow VAV/CAV
OA econ target reset
Direct-evap cooling
DOAS vent airflow CAV/DCV
ER bypass temp target
Evap/spray humid per Zn RH
FCU Cooling airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
ER target – cool mode
Steam humid per Zn RH
FCU Heating airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
ER target – heat mode
FPB Primary airflow CAV/VAV
ER target – PSZ heat-cool
FPB Secondary airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
ER bypass temp target -- PSZ
Act bm/IU Primary air CAV/VAV cool
Zone mixing variable DBT target
Act bm/IU Primary air CAV/VAV heat
Cooling coil – AHU cool LAT
Act beam/IU Induced airflow
Cooling coil – AHU dehum LAT
DOAS PTAC/PTHP Cooling airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cool coil – AHU extend dehum LAT
DOAS PTAC/PTHP Heating airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cooling coil – AHU supply air DPT
Dual-fan-dual duct zn heat airflow
Heating coil – min SAT w reset
PSZ Cooling airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cooling coil – DOAS tempering
PSZ Heating airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cooling coil – zone variable LAT
PTAC/PTHP cool airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cooling coil – full cooling LAT band
PTAC/PTHP heat airflow CAV/2sp/VAV
Cooling coil – full dehum LAT band
UCS Cooling airflow
Heating coil – full heating LAT band
Cooling-only sys airflow
Cooling coil – full h/c LAT band
Heating-only sys airflow
Cooling coil – full h/c/dehum LAT
Zone DCV stage1 – VAV ctrl
Heating coil – full h/c LAT band
OA min reset - Occupied zone CO2
Heating coil – zn fix LAT stage 1
Stratified zn re-mix airflow
Heating coil – zn fix LAT stage 2
Wet-bulb Temperature
Dewpoint Temperature
Percentage Flow
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
OA variable min %
OA min reset - zone CO2
OA min reset - zn VAV flow %
OA min reset - Occupied zn VAV%
OA min reset - Unocc zn VAV%
Zone mixing % primary air
Heat Transfer
Moisture Input
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Flow Rate
Dry-bulb Temperature
Relative Humidity
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
DOAS vent airflow
HP/RRcoil/wheel bypass temp
Evap/spray humid SA RH
CAV airflow – occupied hours
RA bypass mixed-air target temp
Steam humid SA RH
CAV airflow – nighttime setback
Zone mixing fixed DBT damper target
Min fan airflow
Pre-heat coil – AHU min EAT
Zone/RA transfer airflow
Heating coil – AHU min SAT
Exhaust/CV hood airflow
Heating coil – zone variable LAT
Exhaust driven ventilation airflow
Heating coil – DOAS tempering
OA min reset - Unocc zone
Cooling coil – zone fixed LAT
Heating coil – zone fixed LAT
Wet-bulb Temperature
Dew-point Temperature
Percentage Flow
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
Cooling coil – coil leaving DPT
EA% (vs. return or transfer)
EA% available to Energy Recovery
RA% to alt path or zone
OA fixed %
Heat Transfer
Moisture Input
None  <Select>
None  <Select>
None  <Select>