

This tab specifies the Apache Systems supplying the room with space conditioning (heating and cooling) and hot water.
Its appearance differs between ratings frameworks and methods. The screenshots above and the following documentation describe those fields which are shared between frameworks and methods. Other fields specific to particular frameworks and methods are described in the separate ratings user guides. Other fields specific to particular frameworks and methods are described in the separate ratings user guides.
The Apache System serving the room for space conditioning (heating and cooling).
Use same system for auxiliary mech. vent.
Ticking this box assigns the same system to the conditioning of auxiliary ventilation. This setting is irrelevant for ratings purposes, where there is no such conditioning.
Auxiliary vent. system
The Apache System handling auxiliary ventilation air exchanges defined on the Air Exchange tab. The auxiliary ventilation system will calculate the heating, cooling and (where applicable) dehumidification required to process outside air to the specified supply condition. This setting is irrelevant for ratings purposes.
Use same system for DHW system
If hot water use is included in the Room Conditions tab the energy use associated with this will be calculated by an Apache System. By default they will be handled by the main system serving the room, but you can source them from another system by un-ticking this check box and specifying a second system for this purpose.
DHW system
The Apache System that handles Domestic Hot Water. The DHW system will calculate the energy required, using a model which (for ratings purposes) assumes a temperature rise of 50K between the mains water supply temperature and the hot water temperature.
Ventilation & Exhaust
The options in this section are activated when the Apache System serving the room has Cooling/ventilation mechanism set to ‘Mechanical ventilation’.
Is there mechanical supply in this room?
Tick the box if the room is served by a mechanical ventilation air supply. This invokes auxiliary energy calculations applied at room level when the auxiliary energy method is set appropriately. The flow rate used in the calculation is the value specified as auxiliary ventilation or Apache System air supply.
Specific fan power
The specific fan power to be used for the calculation of auxiliary energy associated with room-level ventilation supply.
Is there local mechanical exhaust in the room?
Tick the box if the room has mechanical extract. This invokes auxiliary energy calculations applied at room level when the auxiliary energy method is set appropriately.
Exhaust flow rate
The exhaust flow rate.
Specific fan power
The specific fan power to be used for the calculation of auxiliary energy associated with room-level ventilation extract.
Scope of extract system
This setting feeds into the auxiliary energy calculation. Select as appropriate from the options ‘Fan within zone’, ‘Fan remote from zone’ and ‘Fan remote from zone with grease filter’.

Demand Controlled Ventilation

Type of demand controlled ventilation
Where there is demand controlled ventilation, select a suitable option from the drop-down menu.