
Space Groups

The space groups mechanism allows you to group spaces according to various criteria. This is done by creating grouping schemes with named space groups and assigning spaces to within those groups. For example, the grouping scheme ‘Floors’ might have space groups called ‘Ground Floor’, ‘First Floor’, etc. (the ‘Floors’ grouping scheme is created automatically for new models). Each space is a member of one group within each grouping scheme. The space group’s controls are contained within the following display at the top of the space list/model browser, in which the space groups form a tier between the model and the spaces.
Create and edit space groups
  This icon invokes the ‘Create and edit space groups’ dialog, which allows you to create grouping schemes and space groups and assign spaces to those groups.
Assign selected spaces to a space group
  Clicking on this icon invokes the dialog ‘Assign selected spaces to a space group’. You can then select a space grouping scheme and a space group within that grouping scheme, and assign a previously selected set of spaces to that group.
Grouping schemes drop-down list
This displays a list of grouping schemes. Selecting a grouping scheme groups the model’s spaces on the browser according to that scheme.
Grouping scheme ‘Spaces’
‘Spaces’ is a special grouping scheme which places all spaces into a single unnamed group.