
Space Data (notional building)

In the notional building, all data, including Space Data, is set automatically. Space Data is set using the NCM template, with the exception of data on the System tab data, where the following rules apply.
Depending on the type of conditioning assigned in the corresponding room of the actual building (as specified by the Cooling Mechanism parameter for the rooms Apache System), the notional building room is assigned one of three standard Apache Systems:
NCM notional heating + nat vent system
NCM notional heating + mech vent system
NCM notional air conditioning system
These systems are set up with attributes specified in the NCM methodology document[3].
For rooms without air conditioning, a free cooling ventilation allowance of 5 ach is made in the notional building. This is to avoid the extreme overheating that would otherwise result, which would have an effect on heating loads at other times in the daily cycle.