
Solar panel

Azimuth angle of collector tube (˚clockwise from north)
Enter the azimuth angle (bearing) of the collector (degrees clockwise from north)
Reflector (one collector unit)
Enter the dimensions of the reflector unit – collector unit length (m), reflector width (m) and reflector focal length (m).
Collector units per row (in series)
Enter the number of number of collector units in each serially-connected collector row
No of rows (in parallel)
Enter the number of rows configured in parallel
Tube extensions (m) (one unit)
Enter the outer radius of absorber tube (note: the cover tube radius is not required)
Intercept factor
The fraction of the beam radiation passing through the collector aperture, which is intercepted by the receiver - defined on the basis, that the mirror is a perfect reflector (and thus a purely geometric parameter).
Absorber tube radius (m)
Enter the outer radius of absorber tube for normal incidence radiation. (note: the cover tube radius is not required)
Absorber tube absorptance
Enter the absorber tube absorptance for normal incidence radiation
Mirror reflectance
Enter the mirror reflectance for the normal incidence radiation; here ‘normal incidence radiation’ means radiation which passes through the aperture plane at normal incidence (but strikes the other surfaces at a variety of angles).
Cover tube transmittance
Enter the absorber tube transmittance for normal incidence radiation
Total fluid flow (l/(h m²))
Enter the total fluid flow rate
Pump power (kW)
Enter pump power. This can be set between 0 and 20 kW (0-50 kW if there is a secondary circulation system) and the default value is 0.2 kW.
Fluid specific heat capacity (J/kg K))
Enter the specific heat capacity of the fluid.
Heat exchanger effectiveness
Enter the heat exchanger effectiveness.
Tank volume (l)
Enter the volume of the tank.
Design tank heat loss (kWh/(I day))
Enter the design tank heat loss coefficient.
Select the Meter serving the Pump.
Order loss coeffts. per unit aperature area - c1 (W/m²K) c1 (W/m²K²)
Enter the 1st order & 2nd order loss coefficient per unit length
Space or Process
In the case of a collector used for space or process heating (as opposed to DHW), two more parameters are required. Tick to activate these parameters.
Water-loop design temperature - Supply (˚C) Return (˚C)
Enter water-loop design temperature for supply and return loops.