
Site Location and Climate NECB 2017

 Users need to download the required CWEEDS simulation weather files from the Government of Canada website: https://climate.weather.gc.ca/prods_servs/engineering_e.html The weather files should be copied to the IES shared content weather folder, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\IES\Shared Content\Weather.
This command opens ApLocate in NECB mode from which the user then specifies the global location of the building (Lat.>Lon.), external design conditions and allows the selection of a suitable simulation weather file from the weather files installed on the PC. ApLocate in NECB mode loads in the required design weather data from NECB table C-1. Users should not set location outside the NECB navigator or on the new project wizard page.
The selection process is driven by clicking on the ‘Selection Wizard...’ and following the necessary steps: