
Simulation & Autosizing settings


Simulation (Heat Balance Method) Settings

ApacheHVAC system (.asp file)
The HVAC system to be used for the system loads analyses and to specify the ‘System occupied hours’ used for one of the Saturate gain profiles? options. This system will be updated with autosized air flow rates and component parameters derived from the results ofthe the loads analyses.
Simulation Options
Options for the simulation, see ApacheSim User Guide for details
Output Options
Options for output to the results viewer Vista, see ApacheSim User Guide for details.
Simulation time step
Specify the time step to be used in the simulation. A time step of 10 minutes is suitable for most building simulations. For ASHRAE Loads calculations the reporting interval is fixed at 60 minutes.
A period of preconditioning is necessary to ensure that the building enters the simulation period in a realistic thermal state. Preconditioning is necessary because of heat storage in the building fabric. For lightweight buildings a preconditioning period of 10 days is sufficient. For heavyweight buildings as much as 30 days or more may be needed. The appropriate period of preconditioning may be established by increasing the number of preconditioning days until the effect of further increments produces a negligible change in the first day’s simulation results.

Autosizing Settings

  Interface for Autosizing settings
Re-zero autosized parameters
In this context, auto-sized parameters are the room parameters located in the Space Data / Apache Systems dialog that are sized during ApacheLoads or ApacheCalc calculations. Re-zero sets the values back to zero before a new calculation.
Undo last autosize
Undo last autosize resets the autosized parameters to the previous calculated value.