
Settings Menu / Model Settings

Adjacency Separation Distance
When a model is created by placing spaces side by side (or on top) the relationship between adjacent (or overlapping) surfaces is detected. The ''Adjacency Separation distance'' is the threshold at which the detection occurs, i.e. if the surfaces are closer than this distance they are flagged as adjacent otherwise not. This value can be changed in the ''Model Settings'' pop-up window (''Settings''->''Model'' menu). After this value has been changed the ''rebuild'' command should be invoked.
Vertical-Horizontal element transition angle
This is the angle at which a sloping wall becomes a roof/ceiling. Walls are normally vertical and roofs/ceilings horizontal. However if you create spaces with surfaces which are neither non-vertical nor horizontal you will have to specify whether these are treated as walls or roofs/ceilings. This angle is the slope at which this transition occurs.
Rebuild model adjacencies
The "Rebuild model adjacencies" button performs exactly as the "rebuild" key-in option does. This goes through the model and recreates the adjacencies and constructions based on the above two values. This command has to be called after either of the above values has changed.
Model report options
The model report options allow you to run a quick quality check on the geometry you have created and the basic data that has been assigned. 
There are two sections to the report:
i)     Section A – Consistency checks
ii)     Section B – Data assignment
For more details please see Model Consistency Report.
This option allows you to turn the visibility of spaces off by six different options.
·     All spaces
·     Selected spaces
·     Space
·     Adjacent Building
·     Topographical Shade
·     Local Shade
These visibility controls give you more options and are similar to the space group ticks in the model browser and the stories options which also allow you to turn the visibility of spaces on and off.
Space Types/Obstructions
The way that you set up your models with regards to solar shading devices and obstructions changed in VE 6.  You now have the option when you are creating a space to choose what type of space it is going to be from the following:
·     Building Space           (1)
·     Adjacent Building          (2)
·     Topographical Shading      (3)
·     Local Shade                (4)
If you forget to set this up when you are creating your model you can change the properties of a space(s) in the model browser at a later point.  Please refer to section 3.2 for more information on how to do this.