
Set Building & System Data

Accesses the Building & System Data (see Section 2).
L1 – Dwellings
This part of the dialogue covers L1 analysis. Tick the methods by which you wish to analyse the design.
Elemental method
Tick this box to analyse by the L1 Elemental Method (ADL1 paragraphs 1.3-1.15).
Target U-value method
Tick this box to analyse by the L1 Target U-value Method (ADL1 paragraphs 1.16-1.26).
Carbon index (SAP) method
Tick this box to analyse by the L1 Carbon Index Method (ADL1 paragraphs 1.27-1.28).
L2 – Buildings other than dwellings
This part of the dialogue covers L2 analysis. Tick the methods by which you wish to analyse the design.
Elemental Method
Tick this box to analyse by the L2 Elemental Method (ADL2 paragraphs 1.7–1.68).
Include Office CPR Method
Tick this box to include the Office CPR Method (ADL2 paragraphs 1.62-1.66 & Appendix G) in the L2 Elemental Method analysis. This option is only available if the building type is Office.
Whole-building Method
Tick this box to analyse by the L2 Whole-building Method (ADL2 paragraphs 1.69–1.73). The implementation currently covers the Whole-building Method as applied to offices.
Carbon Emissions Method
Tick this box to analyse by certain components of the L2 Carbon Emissions Method (ADL2 paragraphs 1.74–1.76). The analysis covers the Table 3 U-value requirement and issues relating to heat bridging and air leakage (ADL2 paragraph 1.75b). The comparison of carbon emissions must be performed separately by simulation or other suitable means.
This tab displays the results of the Part L analysis.
Analysis results
The results displayed will depend on the type of analysis conducted.
The Overall result of the Part L analysis indicates whether the building has passed or failed.
Results for each Method are also displayed, as follows:
For L1 (dwellings):
Elemental Method, Target U-value Method, Carbon Index (SAP) Method.
For L2 (non-dwellings):
Elemental Method, Whole-building Method, Carbon Emissions Calculation Method.
Click this button to display the detailed results file. This is an HTML file setting out the Part L analysis in the form of a worksheet. All Part L results files are stored in the ‘regs\PartL’ sub-folder of the project folder.
In the case of the L1 Carbon Index Method, the worksheet is presented in a format very similar to that appearing in SAP 2001[8]. Intermediate calculations are set out where this helps to clarify the analysis. In a few places the text accompanying the SAP 2001 worksheet has been extended to indicate variants of the calculation methods described in the body of the document but omitted from the worksheet. In these places the additional text is shown in a reduced-size font. For example, the title for section 12 appears as ‘Carbon Index (CI) for individual and community heating without CHP or heat recovered from power stations’.
Click this button to display the results file summary. This is an HTML file summarising the Part L analysis and providing hyperlinks to the detailed results file.
1.      DTLR. The Building Regulations 2000. Conservation of fuel and power. Approved Document L1 – Conservation of fuel and power in dwellings. 2002 Edition. The Stationery Office. Free download available at  http://www.safety.dtlr.gov.uk/bregs/brads.htm
2.      DTLR. The Building Regulations 2000. Conservation of fuel and power. Approved Document L2 – Conservation of fuel and power in buildings other than dwellings. 2002 Edition. The Stationery Office. Free download available at  http://www.safety.dtlr.gov.uk/bregs/brads.htm
3.      BRE Digest 457. The Carbon Performance Rating for Offices. P F Grigg. Published by CRC Ltd, 151 Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4GB. Tel: 020 7505 6622. Fax: 020 7505 6606. Email: enquiries@bre.co.uk
4.      Energy use in offices – Energy Consumption Guide 19, DETR, 1998.
5.      DfEE, Guidelines for environmental design in schools, Building Bulletin 87, TSO, 1997.
6.      NHS Estates: Achieving energy efficiency in new hospitals, TSO, 1994.
7.      BS EN ISO 13789:1999 Thermal performance of buildings – Transmission heat loss coefficient – Calculation method.
8.      BRE, DEFRA, DTLR. The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings, 2001 Edition (SAP 2001).
9.      Part L – Answers to your frequently asked questions: http://projects.bre.co.uk/partlfaq/default.htm
13.   TM32: 2003. Guidance for the use of the carbon emissions calculation method. CIBSE, ODPM. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS. 020 8675 5211. www.cibse.org.