
Select generic climate change weather files

VE Gaia includes some generic climate zone weather data for:
·        current conditions;
·        Year 2050 predictions;
·        Year 2080 predictions
There is an accompanying set of steady-state data for each zone/time-period for loads & sizing calculations.
The generic climate change weather files have been created using a tool from the University of Southampton based upon work by CIBSE and utilize the IPCC HADCM3 A2 scenario data; the A2 scenario is at the higher end of the emissions scenarios (but is not the highest ... it produces a 3 oC global surface warming result by 2080). As climate change is a rapidly evolving subject IES cannot give any undertaking regarding the accuracy of the sample weather files; users are directed to the IPCC and latest research.
The climate change weather files do not include rainfall data (like most EPW files) so the rainfall data utilised in VE-Gaia is historical only.
As climate change is a rapidly evolving subject IES cannot give any undertaking regarding the accuracy of the sample weather files; users are directed to the IPCC and latest research.
University of Southampton CCWorldWeatherGen - Climate change world weather file generator Met Office Hadley Centre, Exeter, UK IPCC Data Distribution Centre, HadCM3 climate scenario data Belcher SE, Hacker JN, Powell DS. Constructing design weather data for future climates. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 2005;26 (1): 49-61. Jentsch MF, Bahaj AS, James PAB. Climate change future proofing of buildings - Generation and assessment of building simulation weather files. Energy and Buildings 2008; 40 (12): 2148-2168.