
Room loads

ASHRAE Loads provides the heating and cooling loads for the building and rooms using the ASHRAE 2005 Heat Balance Method. For each room, the method calculates the conductive, convective, and radiative heat balance for each surface and for the air.
·        System loads represent the time of the peak coincident load on the system, not the sum of individual peak room loads.
·        Positive values represent heat gains into a space (cooling operation), and negative values represent heat losses (heating operation).
·        In climates with large diurnal temperature swings, thermal mass can provide a time lag in the heat transfer.
·        Room loads are reported at the peak load condition for each room; each will experience peak gains at different times of the year and day depending on orientation, internal loads, etc.
·        This method is used for peak load plant sizing, but excludes domestic hot water loads. For heating calculations it does not include solar or internal heat gains.