

1.      DTLR. The Building Regulations 2000. Conservation of fuel and power. Approved Document L1 – Conservation of fuel and power in dwellings. 2002 Edition. The Stationery Office. Free download available at http://www.safety.dtlr.gov.uk/bregs/brads.htm
2.      DTLR. The Building Regulations 2000. Conservation of fuel and power. Approved Document L2 – Conservation of fuel and power in buildings other than dwellings. 2002 Edition. The Stationery Office. Free download available at http://www.safety.dtlr.gov.uk/bregs/brads.htm
3.      BRE Digest 457. The Carbon Performance Rating for Offices. P F Grigg. Published by CRC Ltd, 151 Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4GB. Tel: 020 7505 6622. Fax: 020 7505 6606. Email: enquiries@bre.co.uk
4.      Energy use in offices – Energy Consumption Guide 19, DETR, 1998.
5.      DfEE, Guidelines for environmental design in schools, Building Bulletin 87, TSO, 1997.
6.      NHS Estates: Achieving energy efficiency in new hospitals, TSO, 1994.
7.      BS EN ISO 13789:1999 Thermal performance of buildings – Transmission heat loss coefficient – Calculation method.
8.      BRE, DEFRA, DTLR. The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings, 2001 Edition (SAP 2001).
9.      Variable flow control, General Information Report 41, Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme, 1996.
10.   Energy Consumption Guide 19. Energy use in offices. Energy Efficiency Office Best Practice Programme.
11.   BRE, DEFRA, DTLR. The Government’s Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of Dwellings, 2001 Edition (SAP 2001).
12.   Part L – Answers to your frequently asked questions: http://projects.bre.co.uk/partlfaq/default.htm
16.   TM32: 2003. Guidance for the use of the carbon emissions calculation method. CIBSE, ODPM. The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, 222 Balham High Road, London SW12 9BS. 020 8675 5211. www.cibse.org.