
PRM Set Up Room Grouping For HVAC Assignment

For most projects, all rooms or thermal zones should be organized in groups using an appropriate grouping scheme prior to assigning the model spaces to a system in ApacheHVAC.
Once a predefined system has been loaded or a custom system created in ApacheHVAC, all conditioned rooms, HVAC zones, supply plenums (if any), and return plenums (if any) must be assigned to the HVAC network. If not, they will be conditioned instead by a simplified method in Apache Systems—within the Apache Thermal view. While Apache Systems is appropriate for early schematic design and for compliance with certain standards, ApacheHVAC systems should be used for comparative analysis of design and control strategies, supporting design decisions, documenting projected energy performance, and ASHRAE 90.1 App G PRM.
Note: Any unconditioned spaces in the building should have the HVAC System selection on the System tab in the associated room thermal template or Space Data set to “None”. So long they are not assigned to an ApacheHVAC system, spaces with the HVAC System in Space Data set to “None” will not be conditioned. While rooms or zones can be individually added to new layers in the multiplexed HVAC network, for all but very small projects with few rooms it is far more efficient to assign the rooms/zones from room groups.
Click the Edit Multiplex toolbar button or double-click the bar at the top of the green multiplexed region of the HVAC network to open the Edit Multiplex dialog. The Assign from room group button allows groups of rooms or zones to be assigned to the selected ApacheHVAC network. This will automatically add layers as needed. A subsequent Create Layers pop-up will allow you to choose between replacing or appending the current selection(s) in the Edit Multiplex dialog.
Unless the project is exceptionally small, all rooms or zones should be organized in groups using an appropriate grouping scheme, such as one group per air handler, etc., to facilitate assignment to an ApacheHVAC system.