
PRM and Loads Calcs

Support for Parallel PRM Simulations has been added to both the 2007 and 2010 PRM Navigators. Out of all the supported simulations, PRM promises to have the largest potential performance gains due to the potential need to run up to 15 different simulations, most of which can be run concurrently.
To start a Parallel PRM simulation simply select the ‘PRM Simulation’ action from the navigator once you have completed (more or less) all of the previous steps:
This will start a ‘PRM Simulation’ job with all required Apache, SunCast and Radiance simulation tasks included:
Once the ‘PRM Simulation’ job completes the results files should download automatically if you have the ‘Auto-download’ option enabled in the settings menu (see Settings). If not, you can right-click and manually ‘Download’ them. Once results have been download you should be able to continue on in the navigator as you would previously and generate the required reports.

Room & System Loads Calcs.

Room and System Loads calculations have also been updated to run in parallel. The PRM navigators (2007 and 2010) now have additional auto-sizing steps which should be run after all parallel loads calculations have been performed and results files downloaded:
The ‘Run in Parallel’ steps will start new jobs containing Apache ASHRAE Loads simulation tasks for each of the specified variant models:
When the job is complete and the results have been downloaded, you can check off the navigator item like so:
and continue on to the new ‘Autosize HVAC Network’ steps. This is now a required step for both Room and System loads due to the inherent nature of these parallel calculations.