
Part L Ireland (2017) BER

So far we have covered the SBEM Compliance route only. The differences for the SBEM-BER method are covered in this section.

Building & System Data


Building & System Data Tab: General

The Official Guidance button reminds the user of the following important information:
·     Assessor Name
·     Assessor Number
·     Trading Name
·     Trading Address
·     Eircode
·     County
·     Trading Number
·     Email Address
Insurance details
·     Insurer company
·     Policy number
·     Start data
·     Expiry date
·     Professional Indemnity Limit (€)

Building & System Data Tab: Building Details

Stage of analysis
This section has additional BER data – the first two (Date, MPRN) *must* be filled in correctly, because the unique Certificate number will be generated from them.  **CHECK**
·     Construction Date
·     MPRN (12 digits, taken from national database)
Air conditioning questionnaire
This information will be included in the XML to be lodged in the national register.

Building & System Data Tab: BER Recommendations

The available NCM recommendations are listed by Category which can be selected from the left-hand list. Another way of selecting NCM recommendations is through the Code selector at the top. NCM recommendations cannot be deleted.
The user may modify NCM recommendation data (except the Text) and then three things occur:
·     The recommendation changes from green to blue in the list
·     The bottom frame shows “(EDITED)”
·     The “Revert to NCM” button becomes enabled.
“Revert to NCM” will discard the user’s changes and reverse the above three actions.
The user may add new recommendation(s) in the current Category using either the Add or Copy buttons. These appear blue from the beginning and can be deleted.
The user may exclude any recommendations (green or blue) from consideration by SBEMie, by double clicking the tick box in the list. These then change from green or blue to grey. Double clicking the cross back to a tick will include them again and return to the original colour.
In the Recommendations Report, the recommendations will appear as follows:
Section (a) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEMie and with a payback of less than 3 years, listed in increasing order of payback
Section (b) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEMie and with a payback of 3 to 7 years, listed in increasing order of payback
Section (c) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEMie and with a payback of over 7 years, listed in increasing order of payback
Section (d) Blue NCM recommendations triggered by SBEMie *and* all blue USER recommendations (no trigger for these), listed in increasing order of payback
Grey NCM recommendations will not appear at all, even if SBEMie would have triggered them.
Grey USER recommendations will not appear at all.

Building & System Data Tab: BER LAN settings

Use these, as advised by your IT department, only to resolve issues with connecting to the Landmark server EPCgen.net.  **CHECK**


A “Generate BER” button appears instead of “BRIRL: Part L compliance”

SBEM-BER results


Primary Energy Use

The annual primary energy use (per m³) for the Actual and Notional buildings and the indicator (Actual / Notional).

Carbon Emissions

The annual carbon emissions (per m³) for the Actual and Notional buildings and the indicator (Actual / Notional).

Building Energy Rating / Band

The ratio of the Actual energy consumption rate to the Notional energy consumption rate.

View BER

Click on this button to view the BER Certificate PDF.

View Advisory

Click on this button to view the Advisory report PDF.

Supplementary Report

Click on this button to view the Supplementary report PDF.