
Part L2 (2010) ApacheSim – EPC


EPC generation

EPC’s can be generated using ApacheSim method.
To generate an EPC make sure the Regulation is set to Part L2. Then change the Method to ApacheSim – EPC.
Now in the Calculations section of the Regulation tab a Generate EPC button is available to perform required dynamic simulations and generating an EPC based on the results.
When the calculation has completed the Results tab is active and displays results depending on which Regulation is being assessed. The View EPC and View Recommendation buttons are now available on this tab.
Watermarks are being displayed on the Certificate until the certifier details are given. Once these are entered, rerun the Generate EPC process, to create a new EPC.
Recommendation Report
A Recommendation Report will also be using the details set in Building&Systems Data – dialogue , EPC Recommendations tab.
Click the View Recommendation – button to launch the EPC Recommendations as a secure pdf.

Part L2(2010) ApacheSim Results

This tab on the dialogue at the lower edge of the <VE> Compliance screen allows you to view the results of Part L2 (2010) compliance simulations.
Building Emissions Rate (BER)
The Building Emissions Rate (kgCO2/m2) calculated for the actual building.
Notional Building Emissions Rate
The Building Emissions Rate (kgCO2/m2) calculated for the notional building (Cnotional).
Target Emissions Rate (TER)
The target building emissions rate, derived from the Notional Building Emissions Rate (Cnotional) by applying the Improvement Factor and LZC Factor using the formula:
TER = Cnotional × (1 – improvement factor) × (1 – LZC)
Improvement Factor
A preset factor determining the degree to which the TER must improve on the Notional Building Emissions Rate (Cnotional).
LZC Factor
The Low and Zero Carbon benchmark, which together with the Improvement Factor determines the degree to which the TER must improve on the Notional Building Emissions Rate (Cnotional).
Did the analysis pass the CO2 emissions rating?
The pass/fail result for Criterion 1. ‘YES’ if BER<TER, ‘NO’ otherwise.
View Compliance Doc
Click on this button to view the Compliance Document generated by BRUKL using inputs from the actual and notional building simulations, together with the data entered in Building & System Data and the results of the Criterion 2 U-value checks.
View results in Vista
A shortcut to the <VE> Vista view, where simulation results for the actual and notional buildings may be viewed in detail.