
Part L2 (2006) VE-SBEM – Analysis

This dialogue, on a tab at the lower edge of the <VE> Compliance screen, deals with general data required for Part L2 (2006) VE-SBEM compliance analysis. It also provides the means to execute compliance calculations. Results from the compliance calculations are displayed on the neighbouring Results tab.
The Analysis and Results tab will be visible provided no room is selected.
Both SBEM and SBEM-EPC methods are covered in this section, with differences for the EPC method highlighted in italics.
Building settings
This frame handles the input of general data required for Part L (2006) VE-SBEM calculations.
Building type
The building type for the L2 (2006) compliance analysis, sometimes referred to as the NCM building type. The NCM methodology requires the building to be assigned a type such as ‘Airport terminal’, ‘Hospital’ or ‘Office’. For each building type there is a set of ‘activities’ that can be assigned to rooms in the building (optionally via templates) and which dictate the conditions assumed in those rooms. The building type also determines the building category, which is used to set the glazing percentages in the notional building.
Building Category
For each building type a Building Category is automatically set. This determines glazing in the notional building.
Set Building & System Data
This button displays the Building & System Data dialogue, which is also accessible via the Settings menu.
Only the “CO2 Emissions” button is available for VE-SBEM.
EPC: a single “Generate EPC” button appears.
This frame provides shortcuts to tools for setting the following model data:
Site location and weather data (SBEMlocate)
Building Templates
Apache Systems

L2 (2006) Building & System data

This pop-up dialogue, which may be accessed either via the Building Settings button ‘Set Building & System Data’ or via the Settings menu, allows you to enter general data relating to the building and its systems required by the SBEM calculation.
Both SBEM and SBEM-EPC methods are covered in this section, with differences for the EPC method highlighted in italics following EPC:.
These entries provide data for the BRUKL compliance document. Please avoid unusual characters. Any commas entered will be automatically changed to spaces.
Building: name, street address (EPC: 3 lines), city, postcode
Building occupier: name, telephone, street address, city, postcode
Certifier: name, telephone, street address, city, postcode.  EPC: Assessor number, Accreditation scheme, Qualifications, Trading name, Trading address, Insurance company, Policy number, Effective date, Expiry date, PI Limit
Building Details
Location Description
Project Complexity
Related party disclosure
Stage of Analysis
“As built” or “As designed”. (EPC: fixed at “As built”)
Adjustment for management features
These settings allow credit to be taken in the BER calculation for management features applied to electrical power and lighting.
Electric power factor
Lighting systems have provision for metering?
Lighting systems metering warns of ‘out-of-range’ values?
This section has additional EPC data – the first two (UPRN, Date) *must* be filled in correctly, because the unique Certificate number will be generated from them.
Inspection Date
Does the building have special conservation status?
Welsh language EPC required?
District Heating
District heating can be taken into account for. Enter a carbon dioxide conversion factor, if this is known. Otherwise, use the default value.
Thermal Bridging
Restore defaults
EPC: EPC Recommendations
The available NCM recommendations are listed by Category which can be selected from the left hand list. Another way of selecting NCM recommendations is through the Code selector at the top. NCM recommendations cannot be deleted.
The user may modify NCM recommendation data (except the Text) and then three things occur:
The recommendation changes from green to blue in the list
The bottom frame shows “(EDITED)”
The “Revert to NCM” button becomes enabled.
“Revert to NCM” will discard the user’s changes and reverse the above three actions.
The user may add new recommendation(s) in the current Category using either the Add or Copy buttons. These appear blue from the beginning and can be deleted.
The user may exclude any recommendations (green or blue) from consideration by SBEM, by double clicking the tickbox in the list. These then change from green or blue to grey. Double clicking the cross back to a tick will include them again and return to the original colour.
In the Recommendations Report, the recommendations will appear as follows:
Section (a) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEM and with a payback of less than 3 years, listed in increasing order of payback
Section (b) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEM and with a payback of 3 to 7 years, listed in increasing order of payback
 Section (c) Green NCM recommendations triggered by SBEM and with a payback of over 7 years, listed in increasing order of payback
 Section (d) Blue NCM recommendations triggered by SBEM *and* all blue USER recommendations (no trigger for these), listed in increasing order of payback
Grey NCM recommendations will not appear at all, even if SBEM would have triggered them.
Grey USER recommendations will not appear at all.
 Note: at SBEM v3.0 some information in the VE interface does not appear in the Recommendations Report, as follows.
           Assessor comment
           Energy impact
CO2 saved per £ spent
Applicable to a specified HVAC/DHW System
(The Payback does not appear directly but does define the layout and order of the Report as described above).