
Part L1 (2006) – Analysis

This dialogue, on a tab at the lower edge of the <VE> Compliance screen, deals with general data required for Part L1 (2006) compliance analysis. It also provides the means to execute compliance calculations and other types of calculation. Results from the compliance simulations are displayed on the neighbouring Results tab.
The Analysis and Results tab will be visible provided no room is selected.
Building settings
This frame handles the input of general data required for Part L (2006) ApacheSim compliance simulations.
Building type
The building type for the L1 (2006) compliance analysis, sometimes referred to as the NCM building type. The NCM methodology requires the building to be assigned a type such as ‘Airport terminal’, ‘Hospital’ or ‘Office’. For L1 analysis this is defaulted to Dwelling.
Set Building & System Data
This button displays the Building & System Data dialogue, which is also accessible via the Settings menu.
Two types of calculation can be performed.
Compare Dwelling and Target emission rates using SAP 2005
This button triggers the Part L1 (2006) compliance analysis, which has four stages:
U-value checks
Calculation of the actual building using SAP v9.8
Calculation of the notional building using SAP v9.8
Invocation of the compliance certificate generator
The U-value checks test for compliance with the fabric requirements of Criterion 2. A test failure halts the compliance analysis.
Assess potential for summer overheating
This button pops performs an Appendix P overheating check for the dwelling. The output of which can be viewed in the Results tab.
This frame provides shortcuts to tools for setting the following model data:
L1 (2006) Building & System data
This pop-up dialogue, which may be accessed either via the Building Settings button ‘Set Building & System Data’ or via the Settings menu, allows you to enter general data relating to the building and its systems required for the SAP compliance calculation. The dialog has nine tabs that require input relevant to the SAP methodology. The tabs are shown below:
The building tab allows the entry of the thermal bridging y-value for the assessment of heat transmission due to thermal bridging. The <Virtual Environment> tool uses the SAP Appendix K approach of a single y-value (thermal bridging coefficient associated with non-repeating thermal bridges (W/m2K)).
The thermal bridging y-value adopts a value of 0.08 for dwellings that have building fabric that conforms with accredited construction details and 0.15 if the dwelling does not conform. The user also has the option to enter a project specific y-value.
 Heating system
These entries provide data specific to the choice of heating system. The data here is used to generate efficiencies for the heating system; this can be approached using either the drop down lists that refer directly to the tabular data in the SAP methodology document (Tables 4a – 4e) or by reference to the SEDBUK boiler database. By selecting the boiler database up to date manufacturers’ data can be used in the SAP assessments.
If manufacturer’s efficiencies are known that do not feature either in the SAP tables or in the SEBDUK database (www.sedbuk.co.uk) these can be entered directly by selecting “Enter manufacturer’s efficiency?”
Heating system (SAP Table 4a)
The type of system providing space-heating in the dwelling. Use Table 4a, SEDBUK or manufacturers data to derive the heating system efficiency.
Space heating fuel
Select a fuel or electricity tariff to be used in SAP Table 12 or, in the case of heat pumps, SAP Appendix G. The fuel must be consistent with the space heating system. For community heating, this parameter is ignored: community heating fuels are specified on the SAP 9* & 10* Space-heating (community heating) tab.
Displays the efficiency of the heating system, unadjusted for distribution system and controls. If you have ticked the box ‘Enter manufacturer’s efficiency?’ you should enter the manufacturer’s efficiency here.
Heating type
Displays the Heating type parameter of the heating system obtained from SAP Table 4a and used in the SAP Table 8 to obtain the (unadjusted) mean internal temperature of the living area.
Displays the Responsiveness parameter, R, of the heating system obtained from SAP Table 4a and used in the SAP worksheet (box 72) to adjust the mean internal temperature of the living area.
Indicates whether the system efficiency qualifies as a SEDBUK value. If you have ticked the box ‘Enter manufacturer’s efficiency?’ you should also indicate whether the entered efficiency is a SEDBUK value, which it must be if the Elemental Method is to be applied.
Source of efficiency data
Indicates the source of the efficiency data (Boiler database, SAP Table 4b, Manufacturer or N/A). Non-editable.
Adjusted efficiency
Displays the efficiency of the heating system, adjusted for distribution system and controls as indicated in SAP Table 4c.
Heating system controls
Select the heating system control type for SAP Table 4e. This will affect the Control parameter used in SAP Table 9 (difference in temperatures between zones) and the room temperature adjustment entered in SAP box 71.
 SAP 2 Ventilation rate
The boxes on this tab correspond closely to those in Section 2 (Ventilation rate) of the SAP worksheet (boxes 7-25). For guidance, see Section 2 of SAP 2005.
 SAP 4 & 10 Water heating
The boxes on this tab relate to those in Section 4 (Water-heating energy requirements, boxes 39-52), and Section 10 (Fuel costs, boxes, 90-91b and 91*-93c*) of the SAP worksheet. For guidance, see Sections 4 and 10 of SAP 2005.
 Solar water heating
These entries provide data for the solar water heating calculation assessment Appendix H. For guidance, see Appendix H of SAP 2005.
These entries provide for the inclusion of generic renewables (using Appendix Q) or for the specific entry of photovoltaics (PVS) – Appendix M. For guidance, see Appendix M and Q of SAP 2005.
 Overheating criteria
These entries provide data for the overheating assessment Appendix P in the SAP methodology. For guidance, see Appendix P of SAP 2005.
Note: the thermal mass parameter used in the calculation of overheating can either be calculated – using the procedure in Appendix P; or the user can enter the specific data thermal mass parameter information.
 SAP 5 Internal gains
The boxes on this tab relate to box 53b of Section 5 of the SAP worksheet: Additional gains from Table 5. It also contains the input data for the low energy lighting strategy; which forms a requirement of criterion 2: limits on design flexibility see L1A for further information. For guidance on additional gains, see Section 5 of SAP 2005.
 Space heating
These entries provide data specific to the space heating section of the SAP methodology. For guidance, see Section 9 and Appendix A of SAP 2005.